September 23, 2016: OSC club members, Alex Schmalz and John Krull, ventured to Guadalajara, Mexico for the second annual Copa Aguila sporting clay tournament. Copa Aguila was a three day event that included four separate shoots – three sporting clay tournaments and a four-course five-stand competition. The event was held at Club Cinegético Jalisciense which is approximately 10 miles west of Guadalajara. “The club was an incredible facility and the Mexican shooters were a pleasure to shoot with,” said Krull “Getting the proper permits to bring your firearms into Mexico and navigating customs, immigration, and the Federal Police was definitely an interesting experience.” Alex and John work at Shine United in Madison and their client, Aguila Ammunition, was the event sponsor. Website links: Aguila Ammunition, Club Cinegético Jalisciense
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